
midjourney api - python

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midjourney api - python

python code to call midjourney api used on mjapi.io

this contains the core library and all the unnecessary website-related calls are stripped off, so you're left with only the discord wrapper that manages the lifecycle of each request (sending the image gen request, waiting for it to be generating, reacting to it, getting partial/final results etc.) and you can use it in your own python project, create your own bots etc. it handles all the captcha solving from discord side and everything.

the reason I'm not using it anymore on mjapi.io is because it's hard to scale to thousands of users, which is the whole point for my website. the main challenge lies in needing lots of proxies to self-bot many discord accounts from the same server. you don't have to know what all this means, but I provided this info in case you're curious as to why I decided to sell the code rather than the service.

but for individual use it works pretty well and I'm using it internally for some of my projects. individual use means 1 discord account calls this api from 1 ip (in theory you can have 3-5 accounts without issues), which I assume it the case for 99% of users.

you should not call it too often. last time I checked, 300 requests per day got you a few months of usage before midjourney bans your discord account, so please be mindful of that. and this has nothing to do with how you're calling the api, whether you write this code yourself from scratch, or buying it from me -- a midjourney ban is imminent at some point. no one tells you this, especially not those selling access to these unofficial apis or also sell their code, but consider this as a token of transparency and honesty from me. so, in. nutshell:

  • does it work? yes
  • will I get banned by midjourney? yes, in 2-3 months or when you exceed ~300 api calls/day
  • solution to not get banned? none, but always use throwaway discord accounts

btw, midjourney might change their api, and I'll try to adapt this lib when necessary

based on the amount of hours I've put in this, the real cost of this whole backend is over $1000 per buyer (and over $400 for Base), but keeping it lower during the 1st few months of price discovery

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You'l get a production-ready unofficial midjourney api, written in python

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zip with python files
shell or python import
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